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“If you can read, you can help someone else read.” January 15, 2009

Posted by starswatcher in Tutors.
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From a post on the Stories page:

“I am a volunteer tutor for the STARS program at the Woodland Job Corps center. The students I work with all need help with reading. Many of the young people here have gaps in their education. These gaps might have occurred because of changing schools frequently during the very important grades where reading and math fundamentals are taught. In other cases, the students may not have attended school at all for long stretches of time during their growing up years. Some of our students are new to English and must acquire very basic literacy skills.

Whatever the reason for their academic difficulties, the students in the tutoring program at STARS are eager to catch up. They want to do well in a trade, and they realize that they need to be able to read no matter what trade they choose.

It is a brave young person who realizes how far behind he/she is and is eager to improve. Sometimes the students I work with have to go all the way back to learning the letters of the alphabet. Others may be able to read the words in a passage but not fully understand the meaning of the passage. Some of the more advanced students need help with writing or preparing for SAT’s. In other words, our students have a wide range of abilities.

There is an expression often used by literacy tutors, “If you can read, you can help someone else read.”

We need more tutors at Woodland. We have workshops and experienced tutors who are willing and eager to help new tutors. We invite you to join us.


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